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Ingram, Gerald L.

Former President Harry S. Truman, Col. Riffle, A1C Gerald Ingram and Mrs. Ingram at the Truman Library

Col. John A. Riffle, Chairman, Richards-Gebaur Base Community Council, presents Airman First Class Gerald L. Ingram with a certificate naming him as Airman of the Year for 1963 at Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base at the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence. Left to right are: Col. Riffle, A1C Ingram, former President Truman, Mrs. Beverly Ingram, and two unidentified men. The party met with the former President and were taken on a tour of the Library by Milton Perry, Curator (not pictured). From: Col. John A. Riffle.

Lunch held at Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, Missouri, honoring A1C Ingram as Airman of the Year

Partial view of the head table at a lunch at Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base in Belton, Missouri, honoring Airman 1st Class Gerald L. Ingram as Airman of the Year for 1963. Of those who can be identified are Mayor H. Roe Bartle (4th from left), Kansas City, Col. John A. Riffle (3rd from right), and A1C Ingram (partial right). (See also 2007-100 thru 103.) From: Col. John A. Riffle.

Airman of the Year A1C Gerald L. Ingram at a lunch at Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, Missouri

Col. John A. Riffle (left) stands at the podium at the head table during a lunch honoring Airman First Class Gerald L. Ingram (2nd from left) as Airman of the Year for 1963 at Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, Belton, Missouri. On Ingram's left is his wife, Beverly. Others in the photo are unidentified. (See also 2007-100 thru 103.) From: Col. John A. Riffle.

A1C Gerald L. Ingram at a lunch at Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base honoring him as Airman of the Year

Airman First Class Gerald L. Ingram (center) receives a box of cigars from Col. John A. Riffle (left) at a lunch held at Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, Belton, Missouri, honoring him as Airman of the Year for 1963. Ingram's wife, Beverly, is on the right. (See also 2007-100 thru 103.) From: Col. John A. Riffle.

A1C Gerald L. Ingram at a lunch at Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base honoring him as Airman of the Year

Airman First Class Gerald L. Ingram receives a gift from an unidentified man (left) at a lunch held at Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, Belton, Missouri, honoring him as Airman of the Year for 1963 at Richards-Gebaur Air Base. Left to right are: Col. John A. Riffle; unidentified; A1C Gerald L. Ingram, and Mrs. Beverly Ingram. (See also 2007-100 thru 103.) From: Col. John A. Riffle.

A1C Gerald L. and Mrs. Beverly Ingram at the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri

Airman First Class Gerald L. Ingram (center) and his wife, Beverly, speak with an unidentified man during a visit to the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. The Ingram's and their party met with former President Harry S. Truman and were taken on a tour of the Library. Others in the photo are unidentified. (See also 2007-100 thru 102.) From: Col. John A. Riffle.

Former President Truman and Airman of the Year A1C Gerald L. Ingram at the Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman and Airman First Class Gerald L. Ingram hold on to a Certificate naming Ingram as Airman of the Year for 1963 at Richards-Gebaur Air Base, during a visit to the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence. Ingram and his party met with the former President and were taken on a tour by Milton Perry, Curator. Donor: Col. John A. Riffle.

Former President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with A1C Gerald Ingram, Airman of the Year, at the Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman (second from left) shakes hands with Airman First Class Gerald L. Ingram, each holding on to the Certificate naming Ingram as Airman of the Year for 1963 at Richards-Gebaur Air Base (Belton, Missouri), as Mrs. Beverly Ingram and an unidentified man look on. The Ingram's and their party met with the former President at the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, and were taken on a tour by Milton Perry, Curator (not pictured). From: Col. John A. Riffle.

Former President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with A1C Gerald L. Ingram, Airman of the Year, at the Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman (second from left) shakes hands with Airman First Class Gerald L. Ingram, each holding on to the Certificate naming Ingram as Airman of the Year for 1963 at Richards-Gebaur Air Base (in Belton, Missouri), as Mrs. Beverly Ingram and an unidentified man look on. The Ingram's and their party met with the former President at the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, and were taken on a tour by Milton Perry, Curator. From: Col. John A. Riffle.