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Ingman, Einar H., Jr., 1929-2015

President Truman's Remarks Upon Presenting Congressional Medals of Honor to Capt. Harvey, Capt. Millett, Master Sgt. Adams, and Cpl. Ingman

President Harry S. Truman's remarks upon presenting four Congressional Medals of Honor to Capt. Raymond Harvey, USA; Capt. Lewis L. Millett, USA; Master Sgt. Stanley T. Adams, USA; and Cpl. Einar H. Ingman, USA. An unidentified general reads each citation. President Truman's remarks are 1 minute, 40 seconds. The President spoke at 12:15 p.m. in the Rose Garden at the White House. The citations, describing the actions in Korea for which the medals were awarded, are printed in the Congressional Record (vol. 97, p. 7696).