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International News Photos

President Truman and Governor Dewey Shake Hands

President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey during a ceremony to open the new Idlewild Airport in New York City, the largest airport in the world. It is the first meeting of the men since they were nominated for president by their respective parties. New York Mayor William O'Dwyer stands between the two presidential candidates. From: Philadelphia Inquirer.

President Truman Greets Zylka Family

A family of displaced persons, the last to immigrate to America under the DP Act of 1948, is welcomed by President Harry S. Truman in the Rose Garden of the White House. They are Josef Zylka (2nd from right), a Polish National and former slave laborer, his wife Ursula Zylka, and their two daughters Ursula Zylka (6), and Beate Zylka (3). John W. Gibson, Chairman of the Displaced Persons Commission, stands behind Mrs. Zylka. Others are unidentified.

Former King Michael of Romania Speaks at National Press Club Luncheon

Original caption: Washington, DC. Ex-king Michael, center, of Romania, said today that his country is living in "misery, want and fear" under the present communist regime. In his first public address in the US, Michael told a National Press Club Luncheon that his homeland has known no period more tragic than the present "in all its long and painful history." At left, is radio commentator William Hillman, and right is Joseph Short, president of the National Press Club.

President Harry S. Truman with Democratic Members of the House of Representatives

President Harry S. Truman (seated), with a group of House Democrats. Left to right, standing are Representatives Harold D. Donohue, Massachusetts; William T. Byrne, New York; Walter B. Huber, Ohio; Clair Engle, California; John Lesinski, Michigan; John R. Murdock, Arizona; Michael Kirwan, Ohio; Antonio M. Fernandez, New Mexico; Aime J. Forand, Rhode Island; and Francis E. Walter, Pennsylvania.

Truman presenting Official Insignia to Blinded Veterans Association

President Harry S. Truman (fifth from right), presenting the Official Insignia of the Blinded Veterans Association, Inc., to the executives of the organization at a White House ceremony. Left to right are Lloyd M. Greenwood, Harrison King, James W. Hope, Raymond T. Frey, Byrum S. Shumway, President Truman, Irvin P. Schloss, Robert Pistel, Peter J. McKenna, and John F. Brady.