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Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 1901-1989

CBS World News and VJ Day Coverage

CBS Radio coverage of the official announcement of the surrender of Japan, finally ending World War II. CBS correspondent Bill Henry reports from Washington, DC, and Bob Trout reports from New York. The reporters describe the activities of President Harry S. Truman giving a press conference and First Lady Bess Truman coming out of the White House, but contains no sound recordings of the Trumans directly. They report that British Prime Minister Attlee has already made an announcement, and that Japanese Emperor Hirohito will make an announcement from Tokyo.

Emperor Hirohito pays a precedent shattering visit to Supreme Commander MacArthur

Emperor Hirohito, in formal morning attire, pays precedent shattering visit to Supreme Commander Douglas MacArthur at headquarters in Tokyo. From a Scrapbook presented to Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan on the occasion of his visit to General Headquarters, U. S. Army Forces, Pacific, in Tokyo, Japan, July 1946. (These photographs have also been reproduced in 8x10 and placed in the regular photo boxes).