Hennings, Thomas Carey, 1903-1960
Former President Truman At Luncheon with Legislators in Washington, D. C
Former President Harry S. Truman at luncheon, standing beside table, flanked by left to right, Senator Thomas Hennings, Congressman Clarence Cannon, Senator Stuart Symington, and two unidentified members of the Missouri Congressional delegation. Mr. Truman is smiling, with one hand on Cannon's arm.
Luncheon Honoring Truman
Senators and former Secretaries pose for a picture during a luncheon in honor of Harry S. Truman in the Secretary of Senate's office. Seated, left to right: Senator Scott Lucas; Senator Carl Hayden; Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn; Harry S. Truman; and Senator Lyndon B. Johnson. Standing, left to right: Senator Mike Mansfield; Senator Thomas Hennings; General Harry S. Vaughan; Secretary of the Senate Felton M. Johnston; Congressman Carl Albert; unidentified; Under Secretary of Agriculture Charles S. Murphy; David Lloyd, Assistant to Harry S. Truman; and Oscar Chapman.
Girls Clubs of America's 15th Annual Conference
Senator Thomas Hennings, Jr. (left) addressing the plenary session at the Girls Clubs of America's 15th annual conference at the Sheraton Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. Mrs. India Edwards, National President of the Girls Clubs of America (right), who introduced the Senator, looks on.
Missouri State Fair with Gov. Forrest Smith, John Snyder, and Sen. Tom Hennings
Series of 8 x 10 glossy photos of the Missouri State Fair Ham Breakfast held in Sedalia, Missouri. Table of unidentified men, except for (left to right) Governor Forrest Smith (hand over mouth), Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder and Senator Tom Hennings.