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Hayden, Carl Trumbull, 1877-1972

Truman Signing Air Mail Bill

President Harry S. Truman (seated, left) signs the 5-cent Air Mail Bill at his desk in the Oval Office. Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan is seated at right. Standing (l-r): Congressman George D. O'Brien; John Hart of United Airlines; Senator Dennis Chavez; Senator Carl Hayden; Congressman Charles E. McKenzie; Congressman John C. Butler; and Frank J. Delany of the Post Office Department.

Truman Signing Air Mail Bill

President Harry S. Truman (seated, center) signs the 5-cent Air Mail Bill in the Oval Office. Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan is seated at right. Also pictured (l-r): Congressman George D. O'Brien; John Hart of United Airlines; Senator Dennis Chavez; Senator Carl Hayden; Congressman Charles E. McKenzie; Congressman John C. Butler; Frank J. Delaney of the Post Office Department; C.E. Fleming of Transcontinental and Western Air; Emery F. Johnson of the Air Transport Association; and Charles M. Knoble of Pennsylvania-Central Airlines.

Mr. MacIntyre at National Guard Memorial

Malcolm MacIntyre, Undersecretary of the Air Force, presenting the Air Force Flag at the dedication of the National Guard Memorial in Washington, D.C. From left to right: General Harry Vaughan; Major General Ellard A. Walsh; Senator Carl Hayden; Former President Harry S. Truman; Mr. MacIntyre; Major General William H. Harrison, Jr.; Chaplain (Lieutenant Colonel) William H. Dickinson; Governor J. Caleb Boggs, Delaware.