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Hannegan, Robert E. (Robert Emmet), 1903-1949

Robert E. Hannegan and Barney Dickmann

Shown together during the Knights of the Cauliflower Ear Dinner honoring the Presidential appointment of Robert E. Hannegan as Internal Revenue Commissioner, are Mr. Hannegan and former St. Louis mayor Bernard (Barney) Dickmann. They are at the Coronado Hotel in St. Louis. From: The Album, Knights of the Cauliflower Ear Proudly Acclaim the Presidential Appointment of Hon. Robert E. Hannegan as Commissioner of Internal Revenue.

Overview of the head table and other guests during the dinner honoring Robert E. Hannegan as Commissioner Internal Revenue

Overview of the head table and other guests during the dinner honoring Robert E. Hannegan as Commissioner Internal Revenue. The dinner is at the Coronado Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. Senator Harry S. Truman is seen right of center at the head table and Robert E. Hannegan, honoree, left of center, head table. From: The Album, Knights of the Cauliflower Ear Proudly Acclaim the Presidential Appointment of Hon. Robert E. Hannegan as Commissioner of Internal Revenue.

Robert E. Hannegan Stands at the Podium During the Knights of the Cauliflower Ear Dinner

Robert E. Hannegan, newly appointed Commissioner of the Internal Revenue, stands at the podium during the Knights of the Cauliflower Ear dinner honoring him. It was held at the Coronado Hotel in St. Louis. From: The Album, Knights of the Cauliflower Ear Proudly Acclaim the Presidential Appointment of Hon. Robert E. Hannegan as Commissioner of Internal Revenue.

Truman with Cabinet and Advisory Council

President Harry S. Truman is seen here with his Cabinet and Special Economic Advisory Council. L-R (seated): Under Secretary of State Robert Lovett, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, President Truman, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, and Attorney General Tom Clark. L-R (standing): Leon Keyserling, Postmaster General Robert Hannegan, John Steelman, Secretary of Commerce Averell Harriman, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson, Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug, Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach, and General Philip Fleming.

Harry S. Truman with Cabinet Members

President Harry S. Truman after his speech to a Joint Session of Congress, pictured with Mrs. Truman and select Cabinet members. Left to right, front row: Secretary of State George Marshall, Mrs. Bess Wallace Truman, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, President Truman. Back row, left to right: Postmaster General Robert Hannegan, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson, Attorney General Tom Clark and Presidential Press Secretary Charles Ross.