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Hancock, Joy Bright, 1898-1986

President Truman's Remarks at a ceremony Marking the issuance of the "Women in the Armed Services" commemorative stamp at the White House rose garden

President Harry S. Truman's Remarks at a ceremony Marking the issuance of the "Women in the Armed Services" commemorative postal stamp at the White House rose garden. Secretary of Defense Robert A. Lovett makes opening remarks and introduces the Postmaster General of the United States, Jesse M. Donaldson. General Donaldson presents President Truman with the stamps. President Truman's speech begins around 4:00. He presents stamps to Col Mary A. Halloren (WACs), Capt. Joy B. Hancock (Navy), Col. Katherine A. Towle (Marines), Col. Mary J. Shelly (WAF), Col.

Lovett With Captain Hancock

Secretary of Defense, Robert A. Lovett (center, left), escorting Captain Joy Hancock, Director of the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES)(center, right) as they arrive at the Pentagon. The two were leaving the parade ground following a review of units from each of the Women's Armed Services that welcomed members of the Defense Advisory Committee for Women in the Services. All other individuals are unidentified.