Grover, Wayne Clayton, 1906-1970
Truman, Chapman, and others at Library
Truman, Chapman, and others in Library
Franklin Floete giving speech
This is a photograph taken at the dedication of the Harry S. Truman Library with Franklin G. Floete (behind podium) giving a speech. Also pictured in this photograph is, from left to right, former President Herbert Hoover, former President Harry S. Truman, and Wayne C. Grover, Archivist of the United States.
Dedication of the Truman Library
Harry S. Truman Library Institute Meeting
Harry S. Truman Library Institute meeting. Left to right: Herman Kahn, Dr. Franklin D. Murphy, James V. Jones, Dean Francis H. Heller, Dr. Richard M. Drake, Dr. W.D. Aeschbacher, Dr. Pete Kyle McCarter, Andrew J. Eaton, Tom L. Evans, David D. Lloyd, Former President Harry S. Truman, Dr. Elmer Ellis, Professor Arthur M. Schlesinger, Dr. Wayne C. Grover, Dean Theodore C. Blegen, Professor Thomas C. Blaisdell, Jr., Dr. Earl J. McGrath, Mr. Merle Curti, Professor James L. Sellers, and Mr. Rufus Burrus.