Graham, Wallace Harry, 1910-1996
President Harry S. Truman Holds a Press Conference in Key West, Florida
President Harry S. Truman and Members of His Staff at Key West, Florida
President Harry S. Truman and Members of His Staff at Key West, Florida
President Harry S. Truman and Members of His Staff at Key West, Florida
President Truman in Group Shot with Staff Outside the Little White House, Key West
President Truman with Staff Outside the Little White House, Key West, Florida
President Harry S. Truman poses for a group photo with his staff outside the Little White House, Key West, Florida, at the start of his fortnight's vacation. Left to right, seated, are John Steelman, Fred Vinson, President Harry S. Truman, William Leahy, and William Hassett. Standing are William Bray, Robert Landry, Robert Dennison, Stanley Woodward, Charles Ross, Harry Vaughan, Wallace Graham, and Eben Ayers. (Same as 67-4045) From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4x5 negative.
President Harry S. Truman and Others Walk Along the Dock, Key West, Florida
President Harry S. Truman (front left), Charles G. Ross (front center), Brigadier General Wallace Graham (front right), John Steelman (second row center, behind Graham), and Rear Admiral James Foskett (second row, right) walk along the dock in Key West, Florida. All others are unidentified.