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Goodwin, Robert C. (Robert Clifford), 1906-1999

Secretary of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg Signing Legislation Agreement

U.S. Secretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg is sitting on the left seen signing the last state agreement connected with the (TEUC) Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act legislation. This law provided additional unemployment insurance payments for jobless workers who had exhausted their benefits. Seated beside him on the right is Robert C. Goodwin, Director of the Labor Department's Bureau of Employment Security. According to Goodwin's appointment book this event took place at 11:30am in Conference Room B.

Secretary of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg At News Conference

U.S. Secretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg is standing on the right behind a podium addressing state administrators in connection to state agreements with the (TEUC) Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act legislation. This law provided additional unemployment insurance payments for jobless workers who had exhausted their benefits. Seated beside him on the left is Robert C. Goodwin, Director of the Labor Department's Bureau of Employment Security. According to Goodwin's appointment book this event took place at 9:30am in Conference Room A and B.

Labor Department Official Robert C. Goodwin Addressing a Group

Robert C. Goodwin, Director of the U.S. Labor Department's Bureau of Employment Security, is seen standing behind a podium addressing a dining event at what is identified as an IAPES (International Association of Personnel in Employment Security) Institute. The location is the Emerson Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland. The man seated in view is not identified.

IAPES International Executive Board Meeting in Washington, D.C

Robert C. Goodwin, Director, U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Employment Security, is shown in the center with IAPES (International Association of Personnel in Employment Security) 1959-60 officers attending an international Executive Board meeting. The Washington, D.C. chapter welcomed the group. Location is believed to be a Labor Department conference room. The board met from April 4-6, 1960. Others in view are not identified.

Labor Department Official Robert C. Goodwin in Mississippi

Robert C. Goodwin, Director of the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Employment Security, is shown standing on the far right. This scene is identified as a press interview which took place in Jackson, Mississippi. According to Goodwin's appointment book, he was in Jackson on September 6 - 7 and stayed at the Heidelberg Hotel and this may be the location of the press event. Others in view are not identified.

Labor Department Official Attending Minority Groups Event

Robert C. Goodwin, Director of the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Employment Security, is shown seated second from the left. He is attending a Minority Groups Conference held in Washington, D.C., July 13-15, 1960. Goodwin's appointment book indicated this luncheon event was held at the Occidental Restaurant in Washington, D.C. The woman seated second from the right has on a name tag which reads "Miss Church." Others in view are not identified.