Former President Harry S. Truman and his friend Tom Evans (back turned) with Truman Library staff members J.R. Fuchs, David Lloyd, Philip Brooks, and others in the Garden Room of the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri during construction. Donor: Kansas City Star
The staff of the Harry S. Truman Library. Front row from the left: J.R. Fuchs; Milton Perry; Helen Luckey; Dr. Philip C. Brooks; and Cecil Schrepfer. Back row from the left: Betty Shank; Betty Herscher; Margaret Sanders; Jerry Hess; John Curry; and Philip Lagerquist.
The staff of the Harry S. Truman Library. Front row from the left: J.R. Fuchs; Milton Perry; Helen Luckey; director of the Library, Dr. Philip C. Brooks; and Cecil Schrepfer. Back row from the left: Betty Shank; Betty Herscher; Margaret Sanders; Jerry Hess; John Curry; and Philip Lagerquist.
The staff of the Harry S. Truman Library. Front row from the left: J.R. Fuchs; Milton Perry; Helen Luckey; director of the Library, Dr. Philip C. Brooks; and Cecil Schrepfer. Back row from the left: Betty Shank; Betty Herscher; Margaret Sanders; Jerry Hess; John Curry; and Philip Lagerquist.
The staff of the Harry S. Truman Library. Front row from the left: Betty Herscher; J.R. Fuchs; director of the Library, Dr. Philip C. Brooks; Helen Luckey; Milton Perry; and Cecil Schrepfer. Back row from the left: Betty Shank; Margaret Sanders; Jerry Hess; John Curry; and Philip Lagerquist.