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Froman, Darol Kenneth, 1906-1997

Meeting before atom bomb tests

Aboard the USS Mt. McKinley, part of the JTF-7 staff meet for final preparation plans. Pictured are Captain J. S. Russell, United States Navy Atomic Energy Commission; Dr. D. K. Froman, University of California and the USAFC; Brigadier General D.A. Ogden, United States Army; an unidentified man; and standing, Colonel Cullen, USAF in charge of photographic activities for the Task Force.

Meeting before atom bomb test

Prior to the bomb tests at Eniwetok, a weather briefing is held on the USS Mt. McKinley. Pictured are Colonel T.J. Sands, Captain J.S. Russell, United States Navy Dr. D.K. Froman, Brigadier General D.A. Ogden, Major General J.D. Barker, Major General W.E. Kepner, Lieutenant General John E. Hull, Rear Admiral W.S. Parsons, Rear Admiral F.C. Denebrink, and Brigadier General Claude B. Ferenbaugh.