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Harry S. Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman Looks at Stamps with Friends

Former President Harry S. Truman (standing, left) examines a stamp album given to him with James Patton (center) and Herbert Sugden (right) while attending a tribute luncheon in his honor. The luncheon was hosted by the Farmers of America and held at the RLDS (Community of Christ) Auditorium in Independence, Missouri. Also present is former First Lady Bess W. Truman (seated, left) and Howard Cowden (second from left). All others are unidentified.

Former President Harry S. Truman and Others Eating in RIDS Auditorium

Former President Harry S. Truman (seated, third from left) speaks to a waitress at a tribute luncheon held in his honor, hosted by the Farmers of America and held at the RLDS (Community of Christ) Auditorium in Independence, Missouri. Also present are former First Lady Bess W. Truman (fourth from left), Averell Harriman (second from left), and Howard Cowden (fifth from left). All others are unidentified.

Howard Cowden Giving a Speech

Howard Cowden (standing behind podium) delivers remarks at a tribute luncheon in honor of former President Harry S. Truman, hosted by the Farmers of America and held at the RLDS (Community of Christ) Auditorium in Independence, Missouri. Also visible in this photo is (from left to right) Mrs. Bess W. Truman, the Wool Queen, and James Patton (wearing eye patch). All others are unidentified.

Bess W. Truman Receives Flowers

Bess W. Truman (foreground, back to camera) receives a bouquet of flowers from the Wool Queen while attending a tribute luncheon in honor of her husband, former President Harry S. Truman, hosted by the Farmers of America at the RLDS (Community of Christ) Auditorium. Also present is former President Truman (left), James Patton (wearing eye patch), and Howard Cowden. All others are unidentified.