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Harry S. Truman Library

Civil Service Interns

Civil Service Interns at the Harry S. Truman Library. From left to right around the table: Robert L. Faith, Vincent F. Burton, James E. Johnston, Charles A. Smith, Elroy C. Balke, Eugene M. Sandusky, Leo W. Spurrier, Philip C. Brooks (Director, Harry S. Truman Library), Emil A. Isaacson, Jack D. McNeiley, Robert L. Tinsley, Anthony Polselli, Martin C. Noteboom, Edwin L. Calvin, W. Leon House. Standing (L to R): William H. Jewell, John R. Garrett, J. J. Thomas, and Jack A. Sante.

Civil Service Interns

Civil Service interns at the Harry S. Truman Library. From left to right, around the table: Robert L. Faith, Vincent F. Burton, James E. Johnston, Charles A. Smith, Elroy C. Balke, Eugene M. Sandusky, Leo W. Spurrier, Philip C. Brooks (Director of the Harry S. Truman Library), Emil A. Isaacson, Jack D. McNeiley, Robert L. Tinsley, Anthony Polselli, Martin C. Noteboom, Edwin L. Calvin, W. Leon House. Standing (from L-R) William H. Jewell, John R. Garrett, J. J. Thomas, and Jack A. Sante.