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Harry S. Truman Library

Missouri Mule Figurine

This Missouri mule figurine is part of the Truman Library Museum collection. It was a gift to President Harry S. Truman from the Jackson County Council of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. It is a replica of the ship's Annual Division Award of the USS Missouri.

Institute Board Members and Scholars Dine at the Old Plantation

This is a general view of a dinner for the combined scholars and Truman Library Institute board members at the Old Plantation Restaurant. At the head table, from left to right: Wayne C. Grover, Elmer Ellis, Donald C. Watt, Earl J. McGrath, W. A. Holloway. At the extreme left of head table: Thomas Blaisdell. At the table to the right of the photo, from left to right: Tom Evans, Mrs. Philip C. Brooks, Dexter Perkins. At the center table, from left to right: Mr. Farrell, James Jones, J. R. Fuchs, James L. Sellers. All others are unidentified.

Meeting of Harry S. Truman Library Institute Board of Directors

Members of the Harry S. Truman Library Institute Board of Directors are gathered in the Research Room of the Truman Library for the seventh annual meeting. From left to right: David M. Noyes, W.D. Aeschbacher, G. L. Cross, Thomas H. Eliot, Dexter Perkins, Archivist of the United States Wayne C. Grover, Tom L. Evans, Francis H. Heller, Elmer Ellis, Truman Library Director Philip C. Brooks, Thomas C. Blaisdell, Jr., Earl J. McGrath, James V. Jones, Carelton F. Scofield, James L. Sellers.