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Fowler, Henry H. (Henry Hamill), 1908-2000

Portrait of Henry H. Fowler

Portrait of Henry H. Fowler, a participant at the 1979 Conference, sponsored by the Truman Library Institute. Mr. Fowler was Special Assistant to Administrator, Foreign Economic Administration, 1945; Deputy Administrator, National Production Authority, Department of Commerce, 1951, Administrator, 1952. Conference: "The Economic Policies of the Truman Administration."

President Harry S. Truman Poses with Cabinet Members

President Harry S. Truman poses today with members of the cabinet at the White House. Left to right around the table: Charles Sawyer, commerce; John R. Steelman, assistant to president; Henry H. Fowler, defense mobilizer; W. Averell Harriman, Mutual Security Director; Maurice Tobin, labor; Charles Brannan, agriculture, Jesse Donaldson, Postmaster General; Robert Lovett, defense; Dean Acheson, state; President Truman; John Snyder, treasury; James McGranary, Attorney General; Oscar Chapman, interior. From: Houston Post.