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Finletter, Thomas Knight, 1893-1980

Armed Forces Day Proclamation

President Harry S. Truman (seated, left) presents Secretary of Defense George Marshall (seated, right) with one of the pens he used in signing the proclamation declaring May 19 as Armed Forces Day. Standing, from left to right: Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, General Hoyt Vandenberg, Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews, Secretary of the Air Force Thomas Finletter, and General Omar Bradley, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff.

General Wade H. Haislip's Retirement Reception

Guests attending a retirement reception and dinner held in honor of General and Mrs. Wade H. Haislip at the Officers Club at Fort McNair. The dinner was hosted by General and Mrs. J. Lawton Collins. Among those in attendance are Admiral Chester W. Nimitz and Mrs. Catherine Nimitz (outside of left table, eighth and ninth from left); Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter (outside of left table, tenth from left); Margaret (Mrs. Frank) Pace, Secretary of Defense Robert Lovett, Mrs. Wade H.

Armed Forces Day 1952

Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter and Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, Jr. at the airport in Louisville, Kentucky for Armed Forces Day. From left to right: Secretary Finletter, Elvis Stahr (Special Assistant to Secretary Pace), John Kane (Press Aide to Secretary Pace), and Secretary Pace. All others are unidentified.