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Feeback, Sammie Gene, 1913-1986

A group including Truman and Johnson in the auditorium during Johnson's visit to the Truman Library

A group onstage in the auditorium during Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson's visit to the Truman Library. Former President Harry S. Truman is seated at the piano and Johnson is leaning on the right side of the podium. Also pictured are Dr. Philip C. Brooks, and photographers Bill Straeter, Wes Lyle, Joe Adams, Sam Feeback, and Ken White.

Westwood and Truman

From left to right, Mike Westwood, former President Harry S. Truman, and Sam Feeback at Mr. Truman's 76th birthday at the Truman Library. Standing the background is Jana Jessee and Randall Jessee (obscured by Mr. Westwood).

Thomas Hart Benton on scaffolding

Thomas Hart Benton on the scaffolding (top left) speaking to former President Harry S. Truman (center) and his 76th birthday party group. Sam Feeback of WDAF TV is at the left. Margaret Sanders and Joe Adams are in the background near the sales desk. Bill Strader of the Associated Press and Mike Westwood of the Independence police are to the right.