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Evans, Tom L. (Thomas Lynn), 1896-1970

Meeting of the Harry S. Truman Institute

Members of the Harry S. Truman Institute for Foreign and International Affairs meet in the Research Room of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum in Independence, Missouri. Seated from left to right are Boyd Shafer, James V. Jones, Carleton F. Scofield, G.L. Cross, W.D. Aeschbacher, Dexter Perkins, Julian P. Boyd, Virgil M. Hancher, Wayne C. Grover, Francis H. Heller, Earl Warren, former President Harry S. Truman, Elmer Ellis, Philip C. Brooks, Tom L. Evans, Thomas C. Blaisdell Jr., Earl J. McGrath, Thomas N. Eliot, Samuel P. Hays, Louis B. Wright, W. Clarke Wescoe, James L.

Truman Institute Board Meeting

The Harry S. Truman Institute for National and International Affairs meets in the Research Room of the Harry S. Truman Library. Seated left to right: Boyd Shafer; James V. Jones; Carleton F. Scofield; G. L. Cross; W.D. Aeschbacher; Dexter Perkins; Julian P. Boyd; Virgil M. Hancher; Wayne C. Grover; Francis H. Heller; Earl Warren; former President Harry S. Truman; Elmer Ellis; Truman Library Director Philip C. Brooks; Tom L. Evans; Thomas C. Blaisdell, Jr.; Earl J. McGrath; Thomas H. Eliot; Samuel P. Hays; Louis B. Wright; W. Clark Wescoe; James L. Sellers; Rufus Burrus; and Robert E. Bolton.

Meeting of the Harry S. Truman Institute

Members of the Harry S. Truman Institute for Foreign and International Affairs meet in the Research Room of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum in Independence, Missouri. Seated from left to right are Boyd Shafer, James V. Jones, Carleton F. Scofield, G.L. Cross, W.D. Aeschbacher, Dexter Perkins, Julian P. Boyd, Virgil M. Hancher, Wayne C. Grover, Francis H. Heller, Earl Warren, former President Harry S. Truman, Elmer Ellis, Philip C. Brooks, Tom L. Evans, Thomas C. Blaisdell Jr., Earl J. McGrath, Thomas N. Eliot, Samuel P. Hays, Louis B. Wright, W. Clarke Wescoe, James L.

Luncheon for Democratic National Finance Committee

Luncheon for the Democratic National Finance Committee, held at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. On the left side of the photo is the head table. Seated at the head table, from left to right, are: Democratic National Committee Chairman J. Howard McGrath; Senator Tom Connally; Vice President Alben Barkley; President Harry S. Truman; Louis Johnson; Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn; and unidentified.

Former President Truman at the Truman-Evans Banquet at the Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman (front, center at first table on the right) and guests are shown at the Truman-Evans banquet at the Harry S. Truman Library. Tom Evans was a Kansas City businessman and good friend of Mr. Truman. Among others attending were Bess Wallace Truman, Margaret Truman (far left), Dr. and Mrs. Philip Brooks, and Tom Evans. See also 2004-22.

Truman with the Library Institute Board

The First annual meeting of the Harry S. Truman Library Institute with the following seated around the table, starting on the left: Andrew J. Eaton, Librarian, Washington University of St. Louis, Missouri; Dr. Earl J. McGrath, Columbia University, New York; Professor James L. Sellers, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Professor Henry S. Commager, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts; Dr. Franklin D. Murphy, President, University of Kansas, Lawrence; Dr. Boyd Shafer, Executive Secretary, American History Association, Washington, D. C.; Dr. Wayne C.

Truman with his staff at Griffith Stadium

President Harry S. Truman and other officials at Griffith Stadium in Washington, D.C. for the opening game of the baseball season. In the President's box, first row, left to right: unidentified woman; Tom Evans; Press Secretary Charles Ross; unidentified; President Truman; and Admiral William Leahy. Second row, left to right; Matthew Connelly; William Hassett; Clark Clifford; John Steelman; and Captain James Foskett. All others are unidentified.