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Evans, Tom L. (Thomas Lynn), 1896-1970

Truman, Acheson, and Others touring Truman Library construction site

Basil O'Connor (front of line), former President Harry S. Truman (second), Dean Acheson (third in line), Tom Evans (following Acheson, head is down), David Lloyd (left of Acheson), and Alonzo Gentry (following Mr. Lloyd) walk on some boards at the construction site of the Harry S. Truman Library. Mr. Gentry is one of the architects who helped design the Library. The photographer on the left is unidentified.

Harry S. Truman, Dean Acheson and Others at Truman Library Site

David Lloyd (second from left), Dean Acheson (third from left), Basil O'Connor (fourth from left), Alonzon Gentry (third from right), Tom Evans (second from right), and former President Harry S. Truman (right) are gathered in a semi-circle talking at the construction site of the Harry S. Truman Library. Mr. Gentry is one of the architects who helped design the Library. The first man to the left is unidentified.

Harry S. Truman Library Institute Meeting

Harry S. Truman Library Institute meeting. Left to right: Herman Kahn, Dr. Franklin D. Murphy, James V. Jones, Dean Francis H. Heller, Dr. Richard M. Drake, Dr. W.D. Aeschbacher, Dr. Pete Kyle McCarter, Andrew J. Eaton, Tom L. Evans, David D. Lloyd, Former President Harry S. Truman, Dr. Elmer Ellis, Professor Arthur M. Schlesinger, Dr. Wayne C. Grover, Dean Theodore C. Blegen, Professor Thomas C. Blaisdell, Jr., Dr. Earl J. McGrath, Mr. Merle Curti, Professor James L. Sellers, and Mr. Rufus Burrus.

Harry S. Truman Library Institute meeting

Harry S. Truman Library Institute meeting. Left to Right: Herman Kahn, Dr. Franklin D. Murphy, James V. Jones, Dean Francis H. Heller, Dr. Richard M. Drake, Dr. W.D. Aeschbacher, Dr. Pete Kyle McCarter, Andrew J. Eaton, Tom L. Evans, David D. Lloyd, Former President Harry S. Truman, Dr. Elmer Ellis, Professor Arthur Schlesinger, Dr. Wayne C. Grover, Dean Theodore C. Blegen, Professor Thomas C. Blaisdell, Jr., Dr. Earl J. McGrath, Mr. Merle Curti, Professor James L. Sellers, and Mr. Rufus Burrus.