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Edwards, India, 1895-1990

India Edwards at podium

India Edwards, Executive Director of the Women's Division, Democratic National Committee, stands at the podium holding a large balloon just released from a box. The event, date, and location are unidentified but may be during the 1948 Democratic Convention. (The photo has a portion cut out at left bottom.)

Foreign Language Press representatives with India Edwards

Representatives of the Foreign Language Press are shown at a press conference at the Advertising Club, New York City. Left to right (seated) are: Michel Cieplinski; Felix Paplowski of Polish Everybody's Daily; Mrs. Angela Parisi, Vice Chairman, New York Democratic State Committee; Mrs. India Edwards, Vice Chairman, Democratic National Committee; Mrs. Anna Oberwager, German Press; Miss Maria Luisa Falbo, Il Progresso Italo-Americano; Mrs. Olga Hochstadter of Staats Zeitung und Herold; Miss Barbara Dauys of the Lithuanian Press; and Miss Mary Kizis of the Lithuanian Information Office.