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Eddy, Manton S. (Manton Sprague), 1892-1962

United States Army commanders viewing charred bodies of prisoners

Charred bodies of prisoners burned in the concentration camp at Gotha, Germany, are viewed by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, and a party of high ranking U.S. Army officers. In the group are: General Omar N. Bradley, C.G., 12th Army Group; Lt. General George S. Patton, C.G., 3rd U.S. Army; and Maj. General Manton Eddy, C.G., 12th Corps. From: album entitled "Nazi War Atrocities."

Secretary Frank Pace at Joint Army, Navy, Air Force Review

Photograph of the visit of Secretary of the Army Frank Pace to Heidelberg, Germany, and the Joint Army, Navy and Air Force Review. Front row of the reviewing stand, from left to right: Secretary Pace; General Thomas Handy; Mr. Francis Shackelford, Assistant to the Secretary of the Army; Lieutenant General Manton Eddy; Lieutenant General Anthony McAuliffe; Rear Admiral Carl F. Holden, Commander, United States Naval Forces in Germany; Major General Floyd Parks; Major General Dean C. Strother, Commanding General, 12th Air Force.

Secretary Pace at Joint Army, Navy, Air Force Review

Photograph of the visit of Secretary of the Army Frank Pace to Heidelberg, Germany, and the Joint Army, Navy and Air Force Review. Front row of the reviewing stand, from left to right: Secretary Pace; General Thomas Handy; Mr. Francis Shackelford, Assistant to the Secretary of the Army; Lieutenant General Manton Eddy; Lieutenant General Anthony McAuliffe; Rear Admiral Carl F. Holden, Commander, United States Naval Forces in Germany; Major General Floyd Parks; Major General Dean C. Strother, Commanding General, 12th Air Force.

Secretary Pace at Heidelberg

Secretary of the Army Frank Pace (foreground, in civilian clothing) visits Heidelberg to observe the Joint Army, Navy, and Air Force Review. Walking behind Secretary Pace are General Thomas T. Handy and Lieutenant General Manton Eddy, Commanding General of the Seventh Army. All other soldiers are unidentified.

Secretary Pace Visits with a Soldier, Grafenwohr, Germany

first Lieutenant James Hair (right) points something out to Secretary of the Army Frank Pace (second from left, in civilian clothes) during Pace's visit to a military base in Grafenwohr, Germany. Major General Thomas A. Timberman, First Division Commanding General (left), and Lieutenant General Manton S. Eddy, Commanding General of the 7th Army (partly obscured by Pace) are also present.

Secretary Pace Views Field Problem With Others

Shown giving an orientation on the field problem to be conducted by the First Infantry Division in Grafenwohr, Germany is Col B.F. Evans, Commanding Officer of the 18th Infantry Regiment. Looking on are (front row, left to right): Brigadier General E.A. Bixby; Brigadier General Harper; Major General John E. Dahlquist, Commanding General, Fifth Corps; Lieutenant General Manton S. Eddy, Commanding General, 7th Army; Secretary of the Army Frank Pace; Major General Thomas S. Timberman, 1st Division Commanding General; and Mr. Shackleford, Assistant to Secretary Pace.