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Ecton, Zales (Zales Nelson), 1898-1961

Truman and Others at Luncheon

From left to right: Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; President Harry S. Truman; Congressman John R. Murdock; Senator Joseph O'Mahoney; and Senator Zales Ecton attend a luncheon in the dining room of the Department of the Interior for members of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, the House Public Lands Committee, and the Senate Committee on Public Works. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

Truman Attends Luncheon in Department of Interior

President Harry S. Truman (back of table, fourth from right) and members of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, the House Public Lands Committee, and the Senate Committee on Public Works attend a luncheon in the dining room of the Department of the Interior. Also pictured: Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (back of table, fifth from right); Senator Joseph O'Mahoney (back of table, third from right); Senator Zales Ecton (back of table, second from right); Congressman John R. Murdock (back of table, standing); and Appointment Secretary Matthew Connelly (back of table, left).

Lunch in Honor of President Truman

President Harry S. Truman, his staff, and members of the Interior Insular and Public Lands Committees at a luncheon in Truman's honor at the Department of the Interior. Back side, left to right: Matthew J. Connelly, Appointments Secretary to President Truman; Senator Arthur V. Watkins; Senator Carl Hayden; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; President Truman; Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney; Congressman John R. Murdock (standing); Senator Zales Ecton; and unidentified. All others unidentified.

Lunch in Honor of President Truman

Left to Right: Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; President Harry S. Truman; Congressman John R. Murdock; Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney; and Senator Zales Ecton at a luncheon at the Department of the Interior in honor of President Truman. The President, his staff, and members of the Interior Insular and Public Lands Committees attended the luncheon.

Luncheon at the Department of Interior

From left to right: Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; President Harry S. Truman; Congressman John R. Murdock; Senator Joseph O'Mahoney; and Senator Zales Ecton attend a luncheon in the dining room of the Department of the Interior for members of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, the House Public Lands Committee, and the Senate Committee on Public Works.

Lunch at the Department of Interior

President Harry S. Truman (back of table, fourth from right) and members of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, the House Public Lands Committee, and the Senate Committee on Public Works attend a luncheon in the dining room of the Department of the Interior. Also pictured: Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (back of table, fifth from right); Senator Joseph O'Mahoney (back of table, third from right); Senator Zales Ecton (back of table, second from right); Congressman John R. Murdock (back of table, standing); and Appointment Secretary Matthew Connelly (back of table, left).