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Early, Stephen T. (Stephen Tyree), 1889-1951

German Surrender Press Conference

President Harry S. Truman (left) holds a press conference, officially announcing the end of the war in Europe after Germany's unconditional surrender. Behind the President is: Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, Appointment Secretary Matthew Connelly (standing), Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, Senator Kenneth McKellar, Administrative Assistant Eddie McKim, Press Secretary Stephen Early (standing), Jonathan Daniels, Attorney General Francis Biddle, and Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins (in black hat). All others are unidentified.

John R. Steelman at a National Security Resources Board Meeting

The National Security Resources Board is meeting in the Conference Room of the White House. Seated left to right: Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; Secretary of State Dean Acheson; National Security Resources Board Chairman Stuart Symington; Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder; Deputy Secretary of Defense Stephen Early; Secretary of Labor Maurice Tobin; Presidential Advisor Averell Harriman.

Luncheon for Democratic National Finance Committee

Luncheon for the Democratic National Finance Committee, held at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. On the left side of the photo is the head table. Seated at the head table, from left to right, are: Democratic National Committee Chairman J. Howard McGrath; Senator Tom Connally; Vice President Alben Barkley; President Harry S. Truman; Louis Johnson; Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn; and unidentified.

National Security Resources Board Meeting

Meeting of the National Security Resources Board. Seated, from left to right: Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; Secretary of State Dean Acheson; National Security Resources Board Chairman Stuart Symington; Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder; Deputy Secretary of Defense Stephen Early; Secretary of Labor Maurice Tobin; and Presidential advisor Averell Harriman.

Truman and Eisenhower at Armed Forces Day Parade

Dignitaries with President Harry S. Truman on the reviewing stand during the Armed Forces Day parade. From left to right: Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson, President Truman, Admiral William Leahy, and Deputy Secretary of Defense Stephen Early. In the center in the second row is Attorney General J. Howard McGrath. All others are unidentified.

Soldiers Marching in Armed Forces Day Parade

Scene of soldiers marching in Armed Forces Day Parade, taken from back of reviewing stand. Seated in the first row of the reviewing stand, from left to right: Deputy Secretary of Defense Stephen Early, Admiral William Leahy, President Harry S. Truman, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson (slightly behind Truman), General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Secretary of the Army Frank Pace (slightly behind Eisenhower). All others are unidentified.

Uniformed Men and Women Marching at Armed Forces Day Parade

Scene of uniformed men and women holding American flags marching past the reviewing stand in the Armed Forces Day Parade. Seated in the first row of the reviewing stand, from left to right: unidentified man, Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, General Dwight Eisenhower, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson, President Harry S. Truman, Admiral William Leahy, and Deputy Secretary of Defense Stephen Early. All others are unidentified.