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Eaker, Ira, 1896-1987

Members of the Air Force at 7th Anniversary of 8th Air Force

Members of the United States Air Force are standing on the back of a vehicle during a review at Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas. They are there to celebrate the 7th anniversary of the 8th Air Force. From left to right: General Roger M. Ramey, General Carl Spaatz, General Ira Eaker, General Curtis LeMay, General William Kepner, General Clements McMullen, General Robert Landry, Colonel Towle, and Colonel Roberts.

British Joint Staff Mission Members Receive Medals from President Harry S. Truman

High British Officers of wartime British Joint Staff Mission receive medals from President Harry S. Truman (center in civilian dress). From left to right in the front are Marshal Douglas Colyer, General Sir Gordon N. Macready, President Truman, Field Marshal Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, and Admiral of the Fleet Sir James Fownes Somerville. From left to right in the second row are Admiral Williams D. Leahy, Admiral Ernest J. King, General George C. Marshall, General Thomas Handy, and General Ira Eaker.