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Dutra, Eurico Gaspar, 1883-1974

Truman and Dutra at Airport

President Harry S. Truman at Washington National Airport, greeting Brazilian President Eurico Gaspar Dutra and other members of his party upon their arrival in Washington, D.C. President Truman is in the group on the left, wearing a hat. President Dutra is standing on the left of Mr. Truman, wearing a pinstriped suit and gray, cropped hair. All others are unidentified.

Dignitaries Stepping From Plane

President Harry S. Truman at Washington National Airport, greeting President Eurico Gaspar Dutra and members of his party upon their arrival in Washington, D.C. First Lady Bess Truman is near the center, wearing the dark hat with her back to the camera. President Truman is near the steps of the plane, standing between two military officers (mostly obscured). President Dutra is likely the man descending the stairs, wearing the pinstriped suit and hat. All others are unidentified.