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Drewry, Elizabeth Belle, 1907-2000

Conference of Presidential Library Directors

A conference of Presidential Library Directors met at the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. From left to right: Dr. Elizabeth Drewry, director of the Roosevelt Library; Rolland L'Allier; Archivist of the United States Dr. Wayne C. Grover; Dr. Philip C. Brooks, director of the Truman Library; Karl Trever of the National Archives and Records Administration; and Robert Bolton, director of the Eisenhower Library.

Former President Truman Receives Book from Atomic Energy Commission

Richard Hewlett and Oscar Anderson present a book on the history of the Atomic Energy Commission to former President Harry S. Truman during the Conference of Researchers at the Truman Library. From left to right are: former Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman, former President Truman, former Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Oscar Anderson (standing), Richard Hewlett (standing), Richard Kirkendall (seated, behind shelves), Ms. Elizabeth Drewry, and Tom Evans. Others are unidentified.

Former President Truman Receives Book from Atomic Energy Commission

Richard Hewlett and Oscar Anderson present a book on the history of the Atomic Energy Commission to former President Harry S. Truman during the Conference of Researchers at the Truman Library. Standing from left to right are: Mr. Truman, Richard Hewlett, and Oscar Anderson. Seated at the table are former Secretary of State Dean Acheson (between Truman and Hewlett), Ms. Elizabeth Drewry (second from left), and Tom Evans (left). In the background on the right (behind bookcase) is Richard Kirkendall. Others are unidentified.

Truman Library Institute Conference of Researchers

Truman Library Institute Conference of Researchers, held in the Research Room of the Library. From the tape recorder forward (clockwise): Charles Morrissey, Monroe Billington, Oscar Anderson, J. R. Fuchs, David McLellan, R. Alton Lee, Richard Longaker, Gene Schmidtlein, Alan Harper, Boyd Shafer, Louis Gerson, Richard Kirkendall (standing far left), former Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman, former President Harry S. Truman, former Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Ms. Elizabeth Drewry, Tom L. Evans, Truman Library Director Philip C.