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Drescher, George C., d. 1971

President Harry S. Truman and Governor Mon Wallgren in Olympia, Washington

President Harry S. Truman (first row, left) and Washington Governor Mon Wallgren (first row, right) are walking down the steps of the State Capitol building in Olympia, Washington. Also present is Secret Service agent George Drescher (far left), Senator Warren Magnuson (second row, second from left), Major General Harry Vaughan (partly obscured by President Truman), Press Secretary Charles Ross (in the back, visible between Truman and Wallgren), and Secret Service agent John Walker (behind Wallgren). Secret Service agent Jerry Behn stands at far left in background.

President Harry S. Truman On a Fishing Trip in Puget Sound, Washington

President Harry S. Truman (sixth from the left) enjoys a fishing trip in Puget Sound, Washington with General Harry H. Vaughan (second from the left), Press Secretary Charles G. Ross (fourth from the left), Secret Service Agent George Drescher (fifth from left), and Governor Monrad C. Wallgren (seventh from the left). Also present is Appointment Secretary Matthew Connelly (eighth from left, wearing pinstripe suit). All others are unidentified.

Truman and Mayor LaGuardia

President Harry S. Truman (front left) going into the New York City Hall with Mayor Fiorello La Guardia (right) during the celebration of Navy Day. George Drescher, Chief of the White House Secret Service, to the left. Major General Harry Vaughan is the third person behind La Guardia on the stairs. All others are unidentified.