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Douglas, William O. (William Orville), 1898-

Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran on the steps of the Supreme Court Building

Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran (second from right) on the steps of the Supreme Court Building in Washington D.C., he is joined by Lieutenant Colonel Vernon A. Walters, Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas (right), A. Seleh, and Dr. Ardalan (four of them pictured here). From photograph album "Visit of his Excellency Mohammed Mossadegh Prime Minister of Iran, to the United States of America, October 8 to November 18, 1951."

Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran admiring the outside of the Supreme Court Building

Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran (right) discussing the architectural features of the Supreme Court Building with Lieut. Col. Vernon A. Walters, Justice William O. Douglas (second from right), A. Saleh, and Dr. Ardalan. From photograph album "Visit of his Excellency Mohammed Mossadegh Prime Minister of Iran, to the United States of America, October 8 to November 18, 1951."

Senator Truman and railroad officials

Senator Harry S. Truman and railroad officials leaving the White House after conferring with President Franklin D. Roosevelt on the rail situation. Front row, left to right: Joseph B. Eastman of the Interstate Commerce Commission; Charles D. Mahaffie of the Interstate Commerce Commission; Carl Gray, Vice-chairman of the Missouri Pacific Railway; Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr.; George Harrison, head of the Railway Labor Executives Association; William O. Douglas, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Justices of the Supreme Court

A formal studio portrait of the Justices of the Supreme Court dressed in full robes. Left to Right: back row, Wiley Rutledge, Frank Murphy, Robert H. Jackson, Harold H. Burton; front row, Felix Frankfurter, Hugo Black, Fred M. Vinson, Stanley F. Reed, and William O. Douglas. Original in oversized file.

Supreme Court Justices

Justices of the Supreme Court. Front row, left to right: Felix Frankfurter, Hugo Black, Fred Vinson, Stanley Reed, and William O. Douglas. Back row, left to right: Tom Clark, Robert Jackson, Harold Burton, and Sherman Minton. The original photo is oversized; the mat of the original is signed by all.

Former President Harry S. Truman at Decalogue Society of Lawyers dinner in Chicago

Former President Harry S. Truman (second from left) in a four-way handshake with (left to right) Jacob Arvey, Honorary Co-Chairman of the "All-Chicago Committee for the Truman Library" and Democratic National Committeeman from Illinois; Elmer Gertz, President of the Decalogue Society; and Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas. The event was the Decalogue Society of Lawyers Twentieth Annual Patriotic Dinner held at the Hotel Sherman, Chicago, Illinois, at which President Truman was awarded the Decalogue Society of Lawyers Award of Merit for the year 1954.