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Doolittle, James Harold, 1896-1993

President Truman's remarks at the Wright Memorial Dinner of the Aero Club

President Harry S. Truman's remarks at the Wright Memorial Dinner of the Aero Club. Truman uses the phrase "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." The President spoke at 9:50 p.m. at the Statler Hotel in Washington. His opening words "Mr. Chairman" referred to Edward E. Slattery, Jr., president of the Aero Club of Washington. He also referred to Albert E. Winger, president and director of Crowell-Collier Publishing Company. Following his remarks the President presented three aviation awards. Lt. Gen. James H.

President Truman signing Army - Air Force proclamation

President Harry S. Truman signing a proclamation making August 1st Army Air Force Day. L-R: General James H. Doolittle (seated), President of the Air Force Association; Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg (standing), Deputy Commander Army Air Force; President Truman (seated); Major General Lauris Norstad (standing), Director of Plans and Operations, War Department, General Staff; W. Stuart Symington (seated), Assistant Secretary of War for Air.

President Truman signing a proclamation for Army Air Force Day

President Harry S. Truman signing a proclamation making August 1st Army Air Force Day. L-R: General James H. Doolittle (seated), President of the Air Force Association; Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg (standing), Deputy Commander Army Air Force; President Truman (seated); Major General Lauris Norstad (standing), Director of Plans and Operations, War Department, General Staff; W. Stuart Symington (seated), Assistant Secretary of War for Air.

President Truman signing proclamation for Army Air Force Day

President Harry S. Truman signing a proclamation making August 1st Army Air Force Day. Left-Right: General Jimmy Doolittle (seated), President of the Air Force Association; Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg (standing), Deputy Commander Army Air Force; President Truman (seated); Major General Lauris Norstad (standing), Director of Plans and Operations, War Department, General Staff; Stuart Symington (seated), Assistant Secretary of War for Air.

President Harry S. Truman Receives President's Airport Commission Report

General James H. Doolittle presents the report of the President's Airport Commission to President Harry S. Truman. Standing, left to right: Mr. Charles F. Horne, General Robert Landry, and Paul Johnston, Seated: Dr. Jerome Hunsaker, President Harry S. Truman, and General James Doolittle. This photograph appeared in the June 1952 issue of LIFE Magazine.