Dewey, Thomas E. (Thomas Edmund), 1902-1971
Thomas Dewey accepting Republican nomination
Revived Resurrection political cartoon
Political cartoon by Herblock
Political cartoon by Herb Block on 1948 campaign
The Truman Album
Excellent newsreel footage concerning President Truman and the 1948 presidential campaign, election, and inauguration day in 1949.
Political Cartoon, "Showing 'Em Who Carries the Weight"
This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Jon Kennedy for the Arkansas Democrat. It depicts President Harry S. Truman and a man labeled John Q. Public standing on one side of a scale that is labeled Democratic. On the other side of the scale, which is labeled Republican, are people labeled "x-perts," radio, press, and pollsters, standing with Thomas Dewey.
Political Cartoon, "Out of My Way Mister!"
Political Cartoon, "-- and on Two Legs"
This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Karl Kae Knecht of the Evansville Courier, originally published on November 3, 1948. It depicts Uncle Sam as he reaches to shake the hand of President Harry S. Truman, portrayed as a jockey riding a donkey, as he defeats Thomas Dewey, who is falling off of his elephant. Leg bandages indicate the donkey has been injured by the "Wallace Vote" and the "Thurmond Vote," and men who have placed bets stand angered and confused along the track.