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Dennison, Robert L. (Robert Lee), 1901-1980

Truman pitches baseball from stands

President Harry S. Truman tosses a baseball from the stands to open the baseball season. Two unidentified baseball players are also on hand. Front row, left to right: General Harry Vaughan, Margaret Truman, Evlyn (Mrs. John) Snyder, First Lady Bess Wallace Truman, and President Truman. Second row, left to right: Admiral Robert Dennison, Charles Ross, William Hassett, and Matthew Connelly.

The Trumans Attend the Opening Day Baseball Game

President Harry S. Truman attending the first baseball game of the season with his family and friends. Front row, left to right: General Harry Vaughan, Margaret Truman, Evlyn (Mrs. John) Snyder, First Lady Bess Wallace Truman, and President Truman. Second row, left to right: General Robert Landry, Admiral Robert Dennison, Press Secretary Charles Ross, William Hassett, and Matthew Connelly.

Truman inspects baseball during opening game

President Harry S. Truman (front row, standing, fourth from right) holds a baseball presumably given to him by Clark Griffith, President of the Washington Baseball Club (front row, standing, third from right). Two unidentified baseball players are also present. Seated in the stands, front row, left to right are: General Harry Vaughan, Margaret Truman, Evlyn (Mrs. John) Snyder, and First Lady Bess Wallace Truman. Seated behind them are, left to right: Admiral Robert Dennison, Charles Ross, William Hassett, and Matthew Connelly.

Truman family and staff, Key West, Florida

Group shot of the presidential party for the eighth trip to Key West, Florida. Front row, left to right: John Steelman, Mrs. Bess Wallace Truman, President Harry S. Truman, Margaret Truman, and William Hassett. Back row, left to right: Stephen Spingarn, General Robert Landry, Admiral Robert Dennison, Stanley Woodward, Charles Ross, General Harry Vaughan, General Wallace Graham, and David Niles.

Captain Dennison

Captain Robert L. Dennison is shown in uniform on board a battleship. A hand-written note reads "To the honorable Harry S. Truman with deep respect and warm regard from Robert L. Dennison U.S.S Baltimore 16 April 1953".