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Crittenberger, Willis Dale, 1890-1980

King Faisal II photographing Prince Abul-Ilah and Abdullah Ibrahim Baker

His Majesty King Faisal II Al-Hashimi of Iraq photographs Abdullah Ibrahim Baker, Minister of Iraq, and His Royal Highness Prince Abdul-Ilah, Regent of Iraq, during a cruise in New York harbor. Pictured from left to right King Faisal II, General Crittenberger, Colonel Mohammed Yahya, Abdullah Ibrahim Baker and Prince Abdul-Ilah. From photograph album, "Visit of his Majesty the King of Iraq and his Royal Highness the Regent of Iraq to the United States of America, August 12 to September 8, 1952,"

The Standing Group of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Discusses Military Planning

Members of the Standing Group of NATO are discussing NATO military planning and balanced forces at the Pentagon. From left to right: Major General Cesare Lovera di Maria, Rear Admiral Jonkheer H. A. Van Foreest, Rear Admiral Johs E. Jacobsen, Commander A. Belo, Marshal Lord Tedder, Lieutenant General Willis D. Crittenberger, Lieutenant General Paul Ely, Brigadier General Jean Piatte, Major P. St. G. Cocke, Major General Marc Fouillien, Air Vice Marshall Hugh Campbell, Lieutenant General C. C. J. Forslev, and Colonel E. B. W. Cardiff.

Secretary Frank Pace with United States Army Commanders

Army Commanders in the United States and certain overseas Commanders meet with Secretary of the Army Frank Pace and General J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff in the Pentagon in routine sessions. Seated, from left to right: Lieutenant General Charles L. Bolte; Lieutenant General Edward H. Brooks; Lieutenant General Willis D. Crittenberger; General Collins; Secretary Pace; Lieutenant General John R. Hodge; Lieutenant General Henry S. Aurand; Lieutenant General Joseph M. Swing; Lieutenant General William M. Hoge. Standing, from left to right: Major General Edwin K.