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Connelly, Matthew J., 1907-1976

The President poses with Gov. Mon C. Wallgren and party at Mr. Rainier

President Harry S. Truman (fifth from left in top row) poses with Gove. Mon C. Wallgren of Washington and members of his party at Mt. Rainier on his way to the San Francisco Conference. First row left to right: 4 Secret Service agents and Press Secretary Charles Ross; 2nd row: 3 secret agents and Gov. Wallgren, President Truman, Gen. Harry Vaughan, 5 agents and Appointments Secretary Matthew J. Connelly. From: Papers of Charles Ross; 12x18 Photo album, metal cover with letters CGR.

President Truman, Charles Ross and Matthew Connelly at Key West

All hands turn out to welcome President Harry S. Truman, Charles Ross and Matthew Connelly to Key West. Press Secretary Ross has back to camera at left, greeting friends. Matthew Connelly has back to camera second from left. President Truman is in foreground with extended arm. Donald Dawson can be seen at far left of photo. Same as 64-194-7. From: Charles Ross Papers, 12x18 Metal Album.