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Connelly, Matthew J., 1907-1976

Lunch in Honor of President Truman

President Harry S. Truman, his staff, and members of the Interior Insular and Public Lands Committees at a luncheon in Truman's honor at the Department of the Interior. Back side, left to right: Matthew J. Connelly, Appointments Secretary to President Truman; Senator Arthur V. Watkins; Senator Carl Hayden; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; President Truman; Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney; Congressman John R. Murdock (standing); Senator Zales Ecton; and unidentified. All others unidentified.

Truman Press Conference in Key West

President Harry S. Truman holding a press conference on the lawn of the Little White House. Standing from left to right: Mr. Phil Regan, Mr. David K. Niles, Mr. Stephen Spingarn, Mr. Stanley Woodward, Mr. Donald S. Dawson, Mr. Matthew J. Connelly, Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Mr. William D. Hassett, unidentified, Major General Wallace H. Graham, and Mr. Charles G. Ross. The man writing on his knee next to Mr. Ross is Edwin W. Darby. Identifiable men sitting around President Harry S. Truman (center, in white chair) are Mr.

White House Staffers at Key West

White House staff members during President Harry S. Truman's vacation at Key West, Florida. From left to right: Special Counsel to the President Clark Clifford; Correspondence Secretary William Hassett; Assistant to the President John Steelman; and Appointments Secretary Matthew Connelly on the lawn of the Little White House.

President Harry S. Truman's Party

Group photograph of President Harry S. Truman and his staff while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Front row, left to right: Richard Neustadt, Cornelius Mara, Joseph Feeney, Philleo Nash, Irving Perlmeter. Center row, left to right: John Steelman, Admiral William Leahy, President Truman, Averell Harriman, Charles Murphy. Back row, left to right: Robert Landry, Robert Dennison, Stanley Woodward, Matthew Connelly, William Hassett, Joseph Short, Harry Vaughan, and Wallace Graham.

Presidential Party Luncheon at the Little White House, Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman (at large table in center) other members of his party eating lunch on the shady lawn of the Little White House, his vacation residence in Key West, Florida. From left to right: Philleo Nash, unidentified man (wearing glasses, partly obscured), William Hassett, George Elsey (back to camera, in wicker rocking chair), two unidentified men, Admiral William D. Leahy (in wicker rocking chair, back to camera), Richard Neustadt, President Truman, unidentified man, Matthew Connelly, Admiral Robert Dennison (mostly obscured by Feeney), and Joseph Feeney.

Admiral William Leahy Leads the Chow Line

Members of President Harry S. Truman's party serving themselves during a picnic lunch in the garden of the Little White House, while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Standing in the line, from left to right: Press Secretary Joseph Short, Appointment Secretary Matthew Connelly, Special Assistant Richard Neustadt, Special Assistant Philleo Nash (mostly obscured), Administrative Assistant George Elsey, unidentified (mostly obscured), Legislative Assistant Joseph Feeney, Admiral Robert Dennison, and Admiral William Leahy. President Harry S.

White House Staffers at Key West

White House staff members during President Harry S. Truman's vacation at Key West, Florida. From left to right: Special Counsel to the President Clark Clifford; Correspondence Secretary William Hassett; Assistant to the President John Steelman; and Appointments Secretary Matthew Connelly on the lawn of the Little White House.

Dinner at the Troika

From left to right around the table, James T. Blair, Attorney General Tom C. Clark (second from left), Mary (Mrs. Tom) Clark, White House Appointment Secretary Matthew Connelly, Mrs. Irma P. Hannegan, Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan, Lady Bird Johnson, and Representative Lyndon B. Johnson eat dinner at The Troika restaurant in Washington, D.C. Waiter is unidentified.