M. R. Evans and Matthew J. Connelly with Unidentified Men
Shown together are left to right: Milton R. Evans, and appointments secretary Matthew J. Connelly with two unidentified men.
President Harry S. Truman throwing out the first pitch to start the season of the Washington Senators. L to R: Vice President Alben Barkley, First Lady Bess Wallace Truman, President Truman, manager of the Washington Senators Bucky Harris, Senators owner Clark Griffith, New York Yankees manager Casey Stengel. Standing in the next row are Major General Harry Vaughan (extreme left); Averell Harriman (behind President Truman); and Matthew Connelly (behind Bucky Harris).
Presidential Secretary Matthew Connelly receives a fifty pound cherry pie for President Harry S. Truman. The pie was presented by Adah Allen as a gift from a cherry grower's association.