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Connally, Tom, 1877-1963

President Truman's Remarks on Secretary of the State Byrnes' Departure for the Paris Peace Conference

President Harry S. Truman's remarks at Washington National Airport on Secretary of the State James Byrnes' departure for the Paris Peace Conference. Also includes remarks by Senator Tom Connally, Secretary of State Byrnes, and Senator Arthur Vandenberg. The president's remarks start about 15:10. The NBC radio correspondent narrates the scene. The U.S. Army Band plays in the background.

President Truman's News Conference, April 17, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's 300th news conference, held in the auditorium of the National Museum of Natural History (U.S.), Washington, D.C., at 4:30 p.m., on Thursday, April 17, 1952. The news conference was held for the American Society of Newspaper Editors as well as the regular White House newspaper correspondents. Motion pictures and still photographs were taken at the conference. Topics discussed include: introduction and statement by the President's Secretary, Joseph H. Short, on press protocol; statement of appreciation to the President by Alexander F.