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Clinchy, Everett Ross, 1896-1986

Truman being presented a scroll from the National Conference of Christians and Jews

President Harry S. Truman being presented with a scroll and medal by the National Conference of Christians and Jews. The award was made in recognition of the Chief Executive's efforts toward racial and religious understanding. Front row, left to right: Thomas Braniff, President Truman, Robert P. Patterson, J. Robert Rubin. Back row, left to right: William Green, Louis Nizer, Everett R. Clinchy and Marquis Childs.

President Truman, William Hillman, and Dr. Everett R. Clinchy in Oval Office

President Harry S. Truman autographed a book about himself for the Free University of Berlin. He wrote in the book "Mr. President" by William Hillman, "to the free university of Berlin with best wishes from Harry S. Truman. The White House, Aug. 11th, 1952." The book was brought to the White House by Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, President of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. $30,000 has been collected for the Berlin University. Left to right: President Truman, author William Hillman, and Dr. Clinchy.