Clifford, Clark M. (Clark McAdams), 1906-1998
Overhead view of reception for John W. Snyder after he has been sworn in as Secretary of the Treasury
A snapshot from above showing a reception for John W. Snyder, newly sworn-in Secretary of the Treasury. Just left of large column is President Harry S. Truman, John Snyder, and Fred Vinson. To right of column in center of picture can be seen, Harry H. Vaughan, William D. Hassett, Charles Ross, and Clark Clifford, among many others.
President Harry S. Truman with Advisers in Key West, Florida
President Harry S. Truman with Advisers in Key West, Florida
President Harry S. Truman Holds a Press Conference at Key West, Florida
President Harry S. Truman on Aircraft Carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt
President Harry S. Truman, in cap and leather jacket, (second from left) strides across the flight deck of Aircraft Carrier U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt as Captain Charles T. Mauro, Charleston, South Carolina, points out a flight maneuver during Eight Fleet war games off the Virginia Capes. In the background, left to right, are Brig. Gen. Harry Vaughan, Presidential Military Aide, Captain Clark Clifford, Presidential Naval Aide, and John R. Steelman, Special Assistant to the President.