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Clement, Frank Goad, 1920-1969

Former President Truman, Tennessee Governor Clement, and others at Governor's mansion

Former President Harry S. Truman, Tennessee Governor Frank G. Clement, and a group of the Governor\'s friends pose on the grand stairway of the Governor\'s mansion in Nashville, Tennessee. Left to right are: Mrs. Russell Brothers, Russell Brothers, Mr. Truman, Governor Clement, and Miss Ann Ellington. The man at the far left is unidentified. From: John S. Stroud.

Former President Truman with Tennessee Governor Clement and others

Former President Harry S. Truman poses with Tennessee Governor Frank G. Clement and his parents on the lawn of the McSween cabin during the Ramp Festival in Cosby, Tennessee. Left to right are: Mr. Robert S. Clement, Mr. Truman, Mrs. Maybelle Clement, and Governor Clement. On the far left is Adjutant General Joe Henry of the Tennessee National Guard. (Same as 72-1157 except larger) From: John S. Stroud

Former President Truman, Governor Clement and others at Ramp Festival in Tennessee

Former President Harry S. Truman, Tennessee Governor Frank G. Clement, and Tennessee National Guard officers pose on the lawn of the McSween cabin in Cosby, Tennessee, while attending the Ramp Festival. Left to right are: Major General Joe Henry, Major W. E. Christie, Mr. Truman, Col. Van Nunnelly, Governor Clement, and Lt. William Huffine. (Similar to 72-1158) From: John S. Stroud.

Former President Truman shakes hands with Captain McGaha in Cosby, Tennessee

During a press conference held on the porch of State Employment Security Commissioner Donald M. McSween's "Bonnie Brae Cabin" in Cosby, Tennessee, former President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with Captain Charles L. McGaha. Captain McGaha is a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, while Ms. McGaha (right), Tennessee Governor Frank G. Clement (left) and members of the press look on. Mr. Truman traveled to Cosby to speak at the Ramp Festival. (See 72-1121 to 1187.) From: John S. Stroud.

Former President Truman and Governor Clement at the conclusion of press conference

Former President Harry S. Truman (back to camera, second from right) reaches out to Tennessee Governor Frank G. Clement (on Truman's left) at the conclusion of a press conference held on the porch of State Employment Security Commissioner Donald M. McSween's "Bonnie Brae Cabin." Mr. Truman traveled to Cosby, Tennessee, to speak at the Ramp Festival. The others in the photo are unidentified. (See 72-1121 to 1187.) From: John S. Stroud.

Former President Truman and Governor Clement at a press conference

Former President Harry S. Truman (seated right) and Tennessee Governor Frank G. Clement (seated left) hold a press conference on the porch of State Employment Security Commissioner Donald M. McSween's "Bonnie Brae Cabin." Mr. Truman traveled to Cosby, Tennessee, to speak at the Ramp Festival. The others in the photo are unidentified. (See 72-1121 to 1187.) From: John S. Stroud.

Former President Truman and Tennessee Governor Frank G. Clement at a press conference

Former President Harry S. Truman (seated, right) and Tennessee Governor Frank G. Clement (seated left) hold a press conference on the porch of State Employment Security Commissioner Donald M. McSween's "Bonnie Brae Cabin." The former President traveled to Cosby, Tennessee, to speak at the Ramp Festival. The others in the photo are unidentified. (See 72-1121 to 1187.) From: John S. Stroud.