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Clayton, Will (William Lockhart), 1880-1966

Representatives of England and the United States Holding Discussions on Economic Problems

Photo taken at the State Department where representatives of England and the United States were holding discussions on economic problems. Left to right: Leo T. Crowley, Foreign Economic Administration head; the Earl of Halifax, Ambassador to the United States from Great Britain; Assistant Secretary of State Will Clayton; Lord John Maynard Keynes, Economic Advisor to the British Treasury; and Secretary of Commerce Henry A. Wallace. From: Beth Gore.

The British Ambassador, Lord Inverchapel, receives his pen from the President following the signing of the British Loan Bill

The British Ambassador, Lord Inverchapel, receives his pen from President Harry S. Truman following the signing of the British Loan Bill. Looking on are Cabinet members Will Clayton, Fred Vinson and Secretary of State James Byrnes. An 11 x 14 photo in a series of seven.