Assistant Secretary of the Interior William Warne (right) and Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (second from right) meet with two unidentified men in the Secretary's office.
Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug meets with Interior staff and others in his office. Seated, left to right: Secretary Krug; Congressman Michael J. Kirwan; and Under Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman. Standing, left to right: Michael W. Straus, Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner; and Assistant Secretary of the Interior William Warne. All others unidentified.
Assistant Secretary of the Interior William Warne (right) and Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (second from right) meet with two unidentified men in the Secretary's office.
Meeting of the National Security Resources Board. Seated, from left to right: Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; Secretary of State Dean Acheson; National Security Resources Board Chairman Stuart Symington; Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder; Deputy Secretary of Defense Stephen Early; Secretary of Labor Maurice Tobin; and Presidential advisor Averell Harriman.