Three San Ildefonso women demonstrate the firing technique used to create their blackware pottery. Oscar Chapman pictured second from left. All others unidentified.
Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (right) and Lee Schooler, with the Public Relations Board, appear on the television show "Press Conference" in Chicago.
Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (center) poses with two unidentified U.S. Park Service Policemen and their dog. Woman in background is unidentified.
Members of the Cabinet and others present a chair to President Harry S. Truman as a gift. Pictured, foreground, left to right: Secretary of Labor Maurice Tobin; Secretary of State Dean Acheson; President Truman; and Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer. Back row, left to right: unidentified; Secretary of Agriculture Charles F. Brannan; Postmaster General Jesse M. Donaldson; W. Averell Harriman, Director of Mutual Security Administration; Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder; and Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman.
Assistant Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (left) and Paul V. McNutt, High Commissioner of the Philippines, at the swearing-in ceremony for McNutt's successor as Federal Security Administrator. All others unidentified.
Oscar Chapman (right) examines a blackware pot with an unidentified San Ildefonso woman on the San Ildefonso Pueblo in New Mexico. Men in background unidentified.
An unidentified woman speaks at a ceremony at Walter Reed Hospital. Pictured: Assistant Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (seated, center). All others unidentified.