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Chapman, Oscar L. (Oscar Littleton), 1896-1978

President Auriol Receives Gift

President Vincent Auriol of France examines an album of color photographs depicting scenes of National Parks given to him by President Harry S. Truman. Pictured, left to right: President Truman; French Ambassador Henri Bonnet; President Auriol; and Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman. Special Assistant to the President W. Averell Harriman standing at left. All others unidentified.

President Auriol Tours Hyde Park

Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt with French President Vincent Auriol during his tour of the Roosevelt estate at Hyde Park, New York. Foreground, from left to right: Mrs. Roosevelt, President Auriol, and Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman. Second row: Elliott Roosevelt (right); and Michelle (Mrs. Vincent) Auriol (in hat). All others are unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

Maine State Society Dinner

Left to right: Senator Margaret Chase Smith; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; unidentified; Senator Owen Brewster; Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman; and unidentified at the head table during the Maine State Society lobster dinner in the Department of the Interior cafeteria. All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

President Auriol Visits Hyde Park

Left to right: unidentified; Helle (Mrs. Henri) Bonnet; Michelle (Mrs. Vincent) Auriol; former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt; President of France Vincent Auriol; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; and French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman outside the Roosevelt home during President Auriol's visit to Hyde Park, New York. Men in background unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

President Auriol Visits Hyde Park

Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt (foreground, center) says goodbye to French President Vincent Auriol (foreground, right) after his tour of the Roosevelt estate at Hyde Park, New York. Also pictured: Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (foreground, left); and Elliott Roosevelt (background, left). All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

Chapman Visits Hyde Park

Left to right: Elliott Roosevelt; Minnewa (Mrs. Elliott) Roosevelt; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt; Arthur Demaray, Director, National Park Service; and Dr. Paul J. Raver, Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration, pose for a picture during a visit to Hyde Park.

Chapman Arrives at Hyde Park

Officials arrive in Hyde Park, New York, for a visit. Left to right: Dr. Paul J. Raver, Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration; unidentified; unidentified; Arthur E. Demaray, Director, National Park Service; William J. Dougherty, Director of Information, Department of the Interior; and Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook