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Chapman, Oscar L. (Oscar Littleton), 1896-1978

Truman with Former Cabinet Members

Former President Harry S. Truman poses for a picture with his former Cabinet members during a dinner given in their honor in Washington, D.C. Seated, left to right: John W. Snyder; Dean Acheson; Harry S. Truman; Chief Justice Fred Vinson; and James P. McGranery. Standing, left to right: Senator Clinton P. Anderson; Associate Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark; Charles F. Brannan; Louis Johnson; General George C. Marshall; W. Averell Harriman; Maurice J. Tobin; J. Howard McGrath; and Oscar Chapman.

Chapman in Mexico

Former Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (second from right) talks to reporters after arriving in Mexico. Also pictured: Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman (right). All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook