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Chapman, Oscar L. (Oscar Littleton), 1896-1978

Leslie Coffelt Funeral Services

Pallbearers carry the flag-draped casket of Private Leslie Coffelt during funeral services at Arlington National Cemetery. Coffelt, a member of the White House Police Force and formerly in the United States Army, was killed while protecting President Harry S. Truman from an assassination attempt at Blair House on November 1, 1950. Pictured: Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (far right of coffin); Mrs. Ann Chapman (second from right of coffin). All others unidentified.

Flight to St. Croix, Virgin Islands

United States officials prepare to board a plane. They are en route to St. Croix, Virgin Islands on a Pan American flight to attend a meeting on agricultural problems of the islands and the Virgin Islands Company. At the top of the stairs, left is Secretary of Agriculture Charles Brannan. In the second row on the stairs, reaching down to shake hands with an unidentified man, is Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman. Ralph Will is standing on the ground, far right. Also present is Mason Barr (exact position unknown). All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Poses with Cabinet Members

President Harry S. Truman poses today with members of the cabinet at the White House. Left to right around the table: Charles Sawyer, commerce; John R. Steelman, assistant to president; Henry H. Fowler, defense mobilizer; W. Averell Harriman, Mutual Security Director; Maurice Tobin, labor; Charles Brannan, agriculture, Jesse Donaldson, Postmaster General; Robert Lovett, defense; Dean Acheson, state; President Truman; John Snyder, treasury; James McGranary, Attorney General; Oscar Chapman, interior. From: Houston Post.

Mutual Security Director W. Averell Harriman Shakes Hands with President Truman

Returning from Missouri, President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with W. Averell Harriman, Mutual Security Director. Also on hand are: (second from left) Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer and Secretary of Interior Oscar Chapman (far right). The President said he was confident the National Democratic ticket would win in November. Same as 68-1566 but better print. From: Houston Post.

President Harry S. Truman Attends 1952 Army/Navy Game

President Harry S. Truman attends the 1952 Army-Navy game. Front row, left to right: Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman, Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman, President Truman, Margaret Truman. Seated in the second row, between Mrs. Chapman and President Truman is Admiral Robert Dennison. Seated in the second row between President Truman and Margaret is General Robert Landry. All other are unidentified.