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Byrnes, James F. (James Francis), 1882-1972

President Harry S. Truman presenting the Distinguished Service Medal to James F. Byrnes

President Harry S. Truman presents the Distinguished Service Medal to Secretary of State James F. Byrnes for his three years of service as director of the Office of War Mobilization. The ceremony took place on the South Lawn of the White House. Left to right: General George C. Marshall, U. S. Military Chief of Staff; President Truman; Secretary Byrnes; Robert P. Patterson, Undersecretary of War (obscured); Mrs. Byrnes; and Admiral William Leahy, Personal Chief of Staff to the President. From: Beth Gore.

President Truman congratulates Secretary of State James F. Byrnes after presenting him with the Distinguished Service Medal

Left to right: President Harry S. Truman, Genera George C. Marshall, Secretary of State James F. Byrnes, and General Hap Arnold. President Truman congratulates Secretary of State James F. Byrnes after presenting him with the Distinguished Service Medal for three years of service as Director of the Office of War Mobilization. General George C. Marshall, U. S. Chief of Staff, and General H. H. Arnold, Commanding General, Army Air Forces, seem elated over the award.

James F. Byrnes with President Truman, after being sworn in as Secretary of State

James F. Byrnes, after being sworn in as Secretary of State, is shown kissing the Bible. Left to right, Chief Justice Richard Whaley; Mrs. James Byrnes; James Byrnes; President Harry S. Truman. In the background are President of the Senate Kenneth McKellar, Postmaster General Robert Hannegan and Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach. From: Beth Gore.