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Bridges, Styles, 1898-1961

Prime Minister Nehru speaks with Vice President Barkley and Senators

Prime Minister Nehru speaks with Vice President Barkley and Senators. From left to right unidentified man, Vice President Alben W. Barkley, William F. Knowland, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Senator Tom Connally, Senator Styles Bridges. From album "Visit of his Excellency Jawaharlal Nehru Prime Minister of India to the United States of America"

President Harry S. Truman Signing the Unification Bill for the Armed Forces

President Harry S. Truman signing the Armed Forces Unification Bill with guests. From left to right, Senator Richard B. Russell, unidentified admiral, General Omar Nelson Bradley, Louis A. Johnson, General Hoyt Sanford Vandenberg, Senator Styles Bridges, unidentified male, unidentified male, Fred M. Vinson, Stuart Symington, Stephen T. Early, and John W. Snyder.

Senate Appropriations Committee in Athens, Greece

The Senate Appropriations Committee met with members of the American Mission for Aid to Greece to gather further information conditions and the future needs of American aid to Greece. Standing, left to right: General Richards, Senator Leverett Saltonstall, Admiral Snackenberger, John Peurifoy, the assist secretary of state, General Livesay, Senator William Knowland, and Senator Henry Dworshak. Seated, left to right: Senator Milton Young, Senator Styles Bridges, and Governor Dwight Griswold.

Senate Appropriations Committee in Greece

The Senate Appropriations Committee was in Athens, Greece, and Mr. James H. Keeley reported on the works that the American Embassy had been doing in Athens. Back row, left to right: Senator Leverett Saltonstall, Senator William Knowland, Senator Richard Russell, Senator Guy Cordon, and Senator Henry Dworkshak. Seated, from left to right: Senator Charles Brooks, Mr. Keeley, Senator Styles Bridges, Senator Theodore Green, and Senator Milton Young.