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Foto Service, Kansas City (Mo.)

Battery D Dinner celebrating the election of President Roosevelt and Vice President-elect Truman

Battery D Dinner celebrating the election of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Vice President-elect Harry S. Truman. At table, left to right: James B. Conway, Newell T. Paterson, Morris Glen Riley, Frank Stanley, Edward D. McKim, Harry S. Truman, Eugene P. Donnelly, John H. Thacher, Col. Harry Vaughan, Godfrey C. Downey, Verne F. Chaney, Fred E. Junion, John M. Carnie. First row standing: Frank Sargart, Ralph W. Taylor, Harry E. Whitney, Carl Pat Reilly, Fred Weiderman, Samuel Dantzig, Francis G. McGowan, Ed Gerye, Charles L. Fredericks, Frank E. Spina, Lawrence F. Becker, Leo J.

President Harry S. Truman, General Vaughan, Admiral Leahy, Ralph Truman, Wallace Graham, and General Eisenhower in a group pose

President Harry S. Truman, wearing a black arm band, posed for a group photo with seven other dignitaries. They are attending the 35th Division reunion in Kansas City. Left to right are: Unidentified, General Harry Vaughan, Admiral William Leahy, General Ralph Truman, unidentified, President Truman, Dr. Wallace H. Graham, and General Dwight D. Eisenhower. From: Truman Home.

Group of men viewing plaque

Group of men viewing plaque on the Harry S. Truman Bridge, Kansas City, Missouri, with Independence, Missouri mayor Roger Sermon second from right. Others unidentified. The plaque states: "For Harry S. Truman, who in the midst of the most devastating and extensive war of all time, became the 32nd President of the United States of America, this structure is named the President Harry S. Truman Bridge, and is dedicated to the service of this nation in war and peace by the railroads that built it. The Milwaukee Road, H.A. Scandrett, Trustee; Rock Island Lines, J.D.